Previous Winners
Metropolis Awards 2011

Collaboration to shore up the fight against malaria in the district of Bamako
Metropolis Awards 2008
For its contribution to peaceful co-existence in the city, enhancement of equality of opportunity and gender perspective. More info here
For its contribution to protection of urban historical heritage amidst elevated levels of economic development. More info here
For its contribution to the increase of the offer of legal land and the valorisation of the environmental and cultural patrimony of this area, as well as the involvement and the administration of the new spaces by its users. More info here
For its contribution to improvement in urban standards in city periphery. More info here
The prize jury, made up of Mrs. Yannick Rabemanantsoa (Antananarivo), Mr. Jean-Felix Bernard (Ile-de-France), Mrs. Rita Rachele Dandavino (Montréal), Luiz Pedretti (Sao Paulo) and Chris Johnson (Sydney) met in Sao Paulo on the 5th of April 2008 to select the winning projects. The Jury members have analysed the following projects:
1. BELO HORIZONTE: Programa Vila Viva- Aglomerado da Serra
2. BELO HORIZONTE: El Presupuesto Participativo como instrumento de planificación de acciones de gobierno
3. BELO HORIZONTE: Mejora de movilidad para habitantes de vilas y favelas de Belo Horizonte
4. BERLIN: District Mothers in Neukölln
5. ESTADO DE MEXICO: Ciudad Jardín Bicentenario
6. GUADALAJARA: Villa Panamericana, Proyecto Conceptual Arquitectónico
7. GUANGZHOU: Xin Hepu Historic District Conservation Plan
8. GUANGZHOU: Xingfeng Municipal Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill
9. LA PAZ: Programa Barrios de Verdad
10. MASHHAD: Establishing the Sewage System of Mashhad
11. PORTO ALEGRE: Vila dos Papeleiros, Santa Terezinha
12. QUITO: QuitoEduca.Net-Red Educativa Metropolitana Quito REMQ
13. QUITO: Programa de Rehabilitación del Centro Histórico de Quito
14. QUITO: Proyecto de Recuperación del Río Machángara
15. SEOUL: e-Government
16. SHIRAZ: Virtual City Solution- Integrated Urban Planning and Urban Management System
17. SYDNEY: Six Regional Cities- City Centre Plans
18. TURIN: Sustainable Mobility: Star Lines
19. TURIN: Motore di Ricerca: Comunita Attiva
21. WUHAN: The Flood Control and Comprehensive Renovation Project on Hankou River Beach
In reviewing the submissions, the Jury considered the following criteria:
- Social Impact
- Urban Impact
- Partners Involved
- Economic Impact
- Technological Impact
Metropolis Awards 2005
Other projects
1. BARCELONA: 22@ Barcelona
2. BELO HORIZONTE: Health Promotion Workshop (H.P.W.)
3. CORDOBA: Integral Plan of Local Job Promotion
5. LA HABANA: Management, Environmental Sanitation and Sustainable Development of the Habana Bay
6. LISBOA: Door-to-door collection of municipal solid waste at the historical and residential wards
7. LONDON: London Congestion Charge
8. MASHHAD: Chehel Boostam Park
9. MELBOURNE: The Pride of Place Program
10. SANTIAGO DE CHILE: Capital Security
Metropolis Awards 2002
Other projects
1. BARCELONA: Entrepreneurs Attention Service
2. BARCELONA: Metropolitan Municipal Waste Management Programme
3. BELO HORIZONTE: Environmental Correction Program and Recycling with Cart-Drivers
4. ESFAHAN: The Nazhvan Suburban Nature Park
5. GUANGZHOU: Traffic and Urban Environment Improvement Project (1998-2001)
6. ISTANBUL: Adaptation of the Handicapped to Social Life or the Adaptation of Society to the Handicapped
7. ISTANBUL: Sheltering the Streets Project
8. ISTANBUL: Social Mission of Youth Project
9. ISTANBUL: The Action Emergency Help Project
10. LISBOA: PER - Special Relodging Program - Slums Eradication
11. MASHHAD: Composet Organic Fertilizers Factory
12. MASHHAD: Separation or Recycling of Dry Waste
13. MASHHAD: The Great National Project Urban Railway
14. MÉXICO: New International Airport
15. MONTREAL: City Community Gardens Programme
16. MONTREAL: Graffiti, Tags and Illegal Posting Strategic Plan
17. MONTREAL: Children Party
18. MONTREAL: Mosaïculutures Internationales 2000
19. MONTREAL: Old Montréal Website and its Heritage
20. MONTREAL: Mayor's Foundation for Youth
21. MONTREAL: The Network of the Maisons de la culture
22. MONTREAL: Underprivileged Neighbourhoods Program
23. NIAMEY: Cleansing Water in the Schools of Commune III
24. SHENYANG: Environment: North Sewage Treatment Plant